The load cell industry is no different than any other. It is key that you work with the best vendors possible to ensure success for your business.  Choosing the correct load cell company can be difficult. There are lot of us out there, some better than others in different areas.  I’ve learned that vetting vendors is time consuming, and it can be costly to buy products for testing of accuracy and overall workmanship.  This article explains how I’d go about vetting a load cell supply company.

Firstly do your research online.  A company’s website may be impressive and flashy, but is it a true representation of who they are and what they do?  Don’t judge a book by its cover, do some digging.  Use your favorite search engine and search the company’s name, look for reviews, case studies, and testimonials.  Does the company offer 24/7 technical support?  What is the company’s history?

Next I’d suggest getting on the phone with the potential supplier.  Ask for a sales technician, see if they just ask for a part number or ask you what the application is.  If one of the first questions isn’t something along the lines of “what is the application”, I would recommend moving on.  Many companies sell “parts”, not solutions.  I have talked with many customers that asked for “model 1234” load cell, but then after asking questions about their application learned that their initial choice would not work the way they needed it to.  This is why you need an experienced person to help guide you through the load cell and instrumentation selection process.

Choosing Between a Load Cell Manufacturer or Load Cell Supplier:

I am sure this will ruffle some feathers, but this is my opinion.
The decision will depend on a few factors.  Are you looking for a single load cell for a one-off application?  If so, it doesn’t really matter which one you choose.  Now if you are looking for a long term supplier for various projects, I would go with a supplier.  Let me explain the logic behind this suggestion.  A supplier such as Load Cell Systems has the flexibility to offer various products from different manufacturers.  While working in this industry for over 20 years I have vetted dozens of vendors and found which company is the best at what they do. For example, load cell manufacturer “A” builds some of the best shear web pancake load cells on the market, they are expensive but worth the cost.  Company  “A” also offers other parts that are average quality or not as cost competitive as others. Company “B” has a great selection of load cell electronics but their load cell offering is minimal. 
A load cell supplier such as Load Cell Systems, can pick the best products from many manufacturers to be able to offer the end-user a better and more cost effective load cell solution. 

Choosing a Load Cell Company Conclusion

Do your research, talk with several potential companies.  Of course I’d recommend starting with us (Load Cell Systems), if for some reason we can’t help, we can point you to someone who can.